BRAKE CHAMP: Your Trusted Brake Inspection Partner


The Best Transportation Safety Device in the USA

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, approximately 4,000 people are killed each year in large truck related accidents. Brake failure is the leading cause of large truck crashes, which represents 27% of all accidents.

There is a federal mandate that requires all truck drivers to do a pre-trip vehicle inspection prior to going on the road each day. Part of this inspection process is to check the brake system and to check the brake lights. To do this job properly and thoroughly, the operator would need a second person to activate and deactivate the brakes from the driver’s seat. Unfortunately, such a person is generally not available to them and when this is the case, the test is either done by cutting corners, or is not done at all.

Our new tool called the Brake Champ, is a patented device that allows the driver to remotely operate the brake pedal so they can examine the brake system to the degree that is required to meet the federal specifications. In more specific terms, the driver can visually look at the brake chamber and slack adjuster to ensure that there is nothing loose, that there are no cracked mounts, and that the travel and adjustment is within specifications. In addition, the driver can listen for air leaks and check the brake lights. This is especially valuable when there is a trailer involved.

Up until now, there has not been a tool available in the industry that is easy and quick to use, has a self-contained power source, and has a remote wireless capability. The use of this tool will have a direct effect of reducing brake related crashes because drivers will now have the ability to pinpoint brake defects that they previously could not, and the end result is that injuries will be reduced, and lives will be saved.

We encourage anyone that is involved in the trucking industry to add this tool to your safety program. We also encourage any transportation safety advocates, or anyone involved in safety research or enforcement to please help us promote this tool in the name of safety and saving lives.


One-Person Brake Test
Debit & Credit Cards Accepted
Safety Innovation
Patented Advantage
Efficient Pre-Trip Checks

How Can I Help You Today?

If you have any questions about the Brake Champ or have business inquiries, please send me a message, and I'll reply as soon as possible. It will be a pleasure to serve you!